

How can I change my username?
You can click the More button in the side menu and then go to Account Settings > Username.
How can I change my email address?
You can click the More button in the side menu and then go to Account Settings > Email Address.
Can I add my website address to my profile?
Yes you can, simply click the More button in the side menu and then go to Account Settings > Website URL Address.
Can I add my website address to my profile?
Yes you can, simply click the More button in the side menu and then go to Account Settings > Website URL Address.
Can I add a bio to my profile?
You certainly can, simply click the More button in the side menu and then go to Account Settings > About you.
How do I change my password?
Click More in the side menu and then head to Account Settings > My Password.
Can I get Verified?
Yes, anyone can request verification and get that Verified Badge, however it will be down to us as to whether you can get it or not - it's not a paid feature. To request verification, click More in the side menu and then head to Account Settings > Verify my account.
Can I request all of my info?
Certainly! Click More in the side menu and then head to Account Settings > Download my information.
Can I delete my account?
As sad as we would be to see you go, we understand your reasons. Click More in the side menu and then head to Account Settings > Delete profile.

Please note that this is irreversible and your username will becoem available.